Products in 720 ml jars
- Sour cherry pitted in syrup
- Sweet cherry whole in syrup
- Plums whole or halves in syrup
- Sour sweet gherkin 6-9 cm
- Sour sweet cucumers 9-12 cm
- Letsho
- Tomatopaprika quarters
- Kapia filets
- White paprika filets
- Mixed salad
- Apple paprika whole
- Red beets salad
- Apple paprika stuffed with cabbage
- Pfefferoni mild and hot
- Cherry paprika
Products in 4250 ml jars
- Sour cherry pitted in syrup
- Letsho
- Paprika filets
- Sour sweet gherkins 6-9 cm
- Sour sweet cucumbers 9-12 cm
- Mixed salad
- Kapia parika stripes
Products in 4250 ml tins
- Sour cherry pitted in water
- Letsho
- Sour sweet gherkins 6-9 cm
- Sour sweet cucumbers 9-12 cm